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EPICURIOUS Project Monthly Evaluation Meeting

EPICURIOUS Project Monthly Evaluation Meeting

EPICURIOUS Project Monthly Evaluation Meeting

The monthly evaluation meeting was held, and partners tackled critical tasks to ensure project advancement. Timesheets were discussed to optimize project management, and dissemination and promotion strategies were reviewed; the Prague transnational project meeting was planned, highlighting the significance of Work Package 3 in engaging our target audience effectively. Pilot activity results were deliberated, showcasing promising outcomes and laying the groundwork for the Exploitation Plan to extend the project’s impact beyond its timeline. This convergence of minds continues to propel EPICURIOUS towards achieving its transformative objectives for the youth in Cultural and Creative Industries.

The “Enhancing Employability of Youth in Cultural and Creative Industries” project referred to investment in cultural and creative industries for young people’s resilience. Through interactive learning and guiding materials, the project enhanced the entrepreneurs’ digital, creative, and professional skills.

For more information, please visit

The project is held in coordination with the Hearthands Solutions Limited in partnership with;
Cooperative D’initiative Jeunes,
Epi Five Spółka Z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością,
Aklub Centrum Vzdelavani A Poradenstvi,
Learning Seed,
Die Berater Unternehmensberatungs Gesellschaft Mbh.