Cultural and Creative Sectors & Covid-19

Cultural and Creative Sectors & Covid-19

Cultural and Creative Sectors & Covid-19

According to the OECD Report:
– 7% of business economy firms stem from cultural and creative sectors.
– Cultural and creative employment accounts for 1 in 20 jobs in select OECD/EU countries and 1 in 10 jobs in specific cities/capital regions (2020).
– Jobs in this sector are highly skilled, with 62% holding tertiary degrees (versus 40% in the general workforce).
– Deemed “future-proof,” only 10% of these jobs face high automation risk (compared to 14% in the general workforce).
– 40% of creative professionals work across sectors, driving innovation and creativity.
– The sector’s contribution to global gross value added (GVA) dropped by about 21% between 2019 and 2020 due to the Covid crisis.
– A recent UNESCO report highlighted a global loss of 10 million jobs in these industries during the same period.
– Per capita spending on recreational and cultural services saw an average 30% decline in 2020 compared to 2019.
Despite these, the cultural and creative sectors can support the recovery.

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