Epicurious Project Embraces a Shrinking Gender Gap in Cultural Employment

Epicurious Project Embraces a Shrinking Gender Gap in Cultural Employment

Epicurious Project Embraces a Shrinking Gender Gap in Cultural Employment

2022 Marks a Milestone in Gender Equality in Cultural Employment Across the EU

In a significant stride towards gender equality, the cultural employment sector in the European Union has witnessed a promising shift. The year 2022 stands out as a landmark moment, with the gender gap in cultural employment reaching its lowest level since 2013. This pivotal change aligns perfectly with the objectives and ethos of our project, Epicurious, which is committed to fostering inclusivity and diversity in the cultural and creative industries.

An Encouraging Trend: Women Making Strides in Cultural Employment

Since 2013, we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of women employed in the cultural sector across the EU, with a temporary exception in 2020. The gap in gender employment has now narrowed to a mere 1.6 percentage points. This translates to 3.93 million men and 3.80 million women employed in the sector, with women representing a significant 49.2% of the workforce.

Varied Landscape Across EU Nations

The journey towards gender parity in cultural employment is not uniform across the EU. In 14 member countries, women have overtaken men in terms of employment numbers in the cultural sector. Notably, countries like Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Luxembourg have recorded high differences in favor of women.

Conversely, nations such as Malta, Spain, Ireland, and Italy still face considerable gender employment gaps. Malta, in particular, shows a 21.6 percentage point difference between the shares of men and women in the cultural sector.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Balanced Representation

The progress in gender equality in cultural employment is a testament to the changing dynamics in the cultural sector. At Epicurious, we are committed to contributing to this positive trend. Our initiatives, workshops, and collaborations are all geared towards creating an environment where talent and passion are the only prerequisites for success in the cultural and creative industries.

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