Reviving Artisanship

Reviving Artisanship

Reviving Artisanship

Navigating entrepreneurship as a small artisan in Greece presents a multitude of challenges. Many people turned to self-employment after facing unemployment. The Greek entrepreneurial landscape is fraught with financial barriers and limited opportunities, especially for young people. Despite the difficulties, they insist on making their businesses viable.

Existing entrepreneurship programmes seem out of reach, while the financial crisis has made it almost impossible to secure a bank loan.

A decade after the financial crisis, Greeks are rediscovering a handmade lifestyle hidden in the shadow of the creative economy. The resilience and resourcefulness of individuals, especially women, drive this revival. Despite the obstacles, these entrepreneurs are persevering, breathing life into a new-old economic path in Greece.

#GreekEntrepreneurship #CraftersOfGreece #ResilienceInBusiness

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